• mybatis/mybatis-3

    Release notes

    Bug fixes:

    • keyProperty specified with parameter name could cause ExecutorException. #1485
    • False positive error 'Ambiguous collection type ...' . #1472
    • EnumTypeHandler is not used when the enum has methods. #1489
    • Auto-mapping fails in a result map referenced from a constructor arg with columnPrefix. #1496
    • Constructor auto-mapping could fail when columnPrefix is specified in the parent result map. #1495
    • LocalTimeTypeHandler loses fractional seconds part. #1478
    • LocalDateTypeHandler and LocalDateTimeTypeHandler could return unexpected value. #1478


    • You can now return 'script' from a SQL provider. The returned script is parsed using the language driver specified by @Lang. #1391
    • You can now omit method attribute from SQL provider annotations when the provider method has the same name as the mapper method or its name is provideSql. #1279
    • You can now get databaseId in SQL providers. #1503
    • The default type handler for LONGVARCHAR is changed from ClobTypeHandler to StringTypeHandler. This improves compatibility with SAP ASE. #1484

    There is a backward incompatible change.

    • Because of the fix for #1478 , LocalDateTypeHandler, LocalTimeTypeHandler and LocalDateTimeTypeHandler now require a JDBC driver that supports JDBC 4.2 API. Also, these type handlers no longer work with Druid. See #1516