• Latest releases of popular Web Application Framework repositories
  • Release notes


    • Add IDE type-hint to UserFactory (#4990)
    • Update database config relating to Url addition (#5018, b0e0bdc)


    • Upgrade the collision dependency from v2 to v3 (#4963)
    • Ignore SQLite journals (#4971)
    • Prefix redis database connection by default (#4982, #4986, #4987)


    • Remove .navbar-laravel CSS class (65f8271)

  • Release notes

    The Play Team is pleased to announce the release of Play Framework 2.8.0-M3. This is the third milestone release of Play 2.8.x series. Like all milestone releases, the primary goal is to get feedback, so please let us know if something isn't working or you see something that should be improved. If you are the author of a Play module, we would recommend checking out this release to see how it will affect your module.

    There are many improvements and changes at this new release, and you can see them all in Github milestone.


    Some of the most relevant changes are:

    1. Akka 2.6.0-M4: as you can see in our roadmap, support Akka 2.6 is a priority, so we are closely tracking Akka 2.6 milestone releases to discover possible integrations problems sooner than later.
    2. Dependencies updates: thanks to scala-steward, all dependencies were updated to the newest versions. The most relevant updates were specs2 4.6.0, Jackson Databind, and Mockito 3.0.0.

    See the full list of changes here:

    1. Github milestone
    2. All changes


    Finally, thanks to the community for their help with detailed bug reports, discussion about new features, and pull requests review.

    Thanks to Lightbend for their continued sponsorship of the Play core team's efforts. Lightbend offers commercial support for Play.

    Special thanks to the following contributors who helped with this release: Ignasi Marimon-Clos, Dale Wijnand, Marcos Pereira, Renato Cavalcanti, takashima0411, xuwei-k, Matthias Kurz, Nafer Sanabria.

  • Release notes

    Active Support

    • Add ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess#assoc.

      assoc can now be called with either a string or a symbol.

      Stefan Schüßler

    • Fix String#safe_constantize throwing a LoadError for incorrectly cased constant references.

      Keenan Brock

    • Allow Range#=== and Range#cover? on Range

      Range#cover? can now accept a range argument like Range#include? and Range#===. Range#=== works correctly on Ruby 2.6. Range#include? is moved into a new file, with these two methods.


    • If the same block is included multiple times for a Concern, an exception is no longer raised.

      Mark J. Titorenko, Vlad Bokov

    Active Model

    • Fix date value when casting a multiparameter date hash to not convert from Gregorian date to Julian date.


      Day.new({"day(1i)"=>"1", "day(2i)"=>"1", "day(3i)"=>"1"})
      => #<Day id: nil, day: "0001-01-03", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>


      Day.new({"day(1i)"=>"1", "day(2i)"=>"1", "day(3i)"=>"1"})
      => #<Day id: nil, day: "0001-01-01", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

      Fixes #28521.

      Sayan Chakraborty

    • Fix numericality equality validation of BigDecimal and Float by casting to BigDecimal on both ends of the validation.

      Gannon McGibbon

    Active Record

    • Fix different count calculation when using size with manual select with DISTINCT.

      Fixes #35214.

      Juani Villarejo

    • Fix prepared statements caching to be enabled even when query caching is enabled.

      Ryuta Kamizono

    • Don't allow where with invalid value matches to nil values.

      Fixes #33624.

      Ryuta Kamizono

    • Restore an ability that class level update without giving ids.

      Fixes #34743.

      Ryuta Kamizono

    • Fix join table column quoting with SQLite.

      Gannon McGibbon

    • Ensure that delete_all on collection proxy returns affected count.

      Ryuta Kamizono

    • Reset scope after delete on collection association to clear stale offsets of removed records.

      Gannon McGibbon

    Action View

    • Prevent non-primary mouse keys from triggering Rails UJS click handlers. Firefox fires click events even if the click was triggered by non-primary mouse keys such as right- or scroll-wheel-clicks. For example, right-clicking a link such as the one described below (with an underlying ajax request registered on click) should not cause that request to occur.

      <%= link_to 'Remote', remote_path, class: 'remote', remote: true, data: { type: :json } %>

      Fixes #34541

      Wolfgang Hobmaier

    Action Pack

    • Allow using combine the Cache Control public and no-cache headers.

      Before this change, even if public was specified for Cache Control header, it was excluded when no-cache was included. This fixed to keep public header as is.

      Fixes #34780.

      Yuji Yaginuma

    • Allow nil params for ActionController::TestCase.

      Ryo Nakamura

    Active Job

    • No changes.

    Action Mailer

    • No changes.

    Action Cable

    • No changes.

    Active Storage

    • No changes.


    • Seed database with inline ActiveJob job adapter.

      Gannon McGibbon

    • Fix boolean interaction in scaffold system tests.

      Gannon McGibbon

  • Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications

    Release notes


    • #17406 BUGFIX Properties observed through Ember.Observer can be set to undefined
    • #18150 BUGFIX Fix a memory retention issue with string-based event listeners
    • #18124 CLEANUP Remove deprecated NAME_KEY

  • Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

    Release notes

    • Revert "Improve error message for null/undefined to res.status"

  • A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) 🚀

    Release notes

    Bug Fixes

    • microservices: fix microservices pattern regression (add quotes and commas)